Why Make Over" and not Deep Within"...........?

Well, these days there is a trend of a makeover". Because of competitions and importance to personality development, every single person is thinking of a make over. And I am no exception....
In my spare time , I like watching reality shows wherein they show people undergoing drastic change in their looks and their appearance. Improved face make up, hairstyling, our dressing, our gait is all that we need in a perfect make over of our body..!
But then there are certain things that matter in the overall change of your existence.......The many coats that we apply on top, are they sufficient enough? Are they really gonna change us completely? Are they gonna divert our line of thinking..?
Why not the make over of the mind "that is still the same.... The mind that is still criticising others, always competing with others, and that always aspires to pull someone and go up....
Actually our outer appearance is the reflection of what we are from inside. The deep within is never concealed. It comes out no matter how many layers of change" we put on top.. In fact it struggles to reach the apex..the topmost level.
So the real makeover has to come from within which willl definitely enhance the true beauty".
Every person is unique in its own beauty. Only the need for the right makeover that is within".....


ME said…
ok nandu first of all congrats for another wonderful idea, and about the make over thing, it need not be driven by changing yourself for someone or for the people but it can be also just to make you feel good and better for your own self.but you are right we should have a complete make over if we have to have a make over rather than just from outside...
and the inner improved self is what is actually reflected outside and it will also add to your outlook and make it look appealing and in the better way you want it to look as..
mihir mulay said…
I believe that makeover (in terms of clothing, styling) is equally important as changing mindset. To be competent in today's world, u cannot say, "to hell with my clothes... judge ME". Clothes and grooming reflect your bodily discipline as well as enhance your confidence level.

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