Innocence"...always be there......
When we were born.... there was., Life in the tears, Purity in the heart, Gentleness on the face, Innocence in any action. But in due course of time, we tend to grow up ". We understand things and start thinking rationally. We become more practical. On our way towards maturity..we forget one thing that we start limiting ourselves.. the actions that we would have otherwise done as a child.... Our imaginations then get a boundary line. We tend to reason things for a reason rather than reasoning things without any reason like a kindergarten. We lose the power of acceptance" by being sceptical about everything good". Most of the times its the situation or condition that acts as a catalyst in bringing about a change in us.Circumstances wake us from the sleep of infancy". And then we are geared up to lead a more matured living. But in this process of mental transformation, we leave behind our innocence". In this mean world [of which we are a part], we tend to drag ou...