Xperiencing Death : will be an adventure...!
I have always seen people getting scared of death.The thought that 'I am going to die one day', causes goosebumps in majority of people's case.{well, there can be exceptions}.But mostly people that I have come across fear death... So to them I would like to say,.. death is a very certain thing " that is going to happen may be early or late. So why to stop living with the fear of dying one day.....? Instead we can increase the lifespan by enjoying every moment of life, living life king size .....!! And let death come at its own time.Mind it,when things happen on time ,they have their own grace. Just as every age has its own glory,similarly the time of death will also have its own charm. From my imagination I feel that experiencing death will also be very thrilling ,that will enliven your different existence.Its like backing off outdated attire.[present body], and putting on the newer , going with the trend! So isn't that great......... Second perception that I woul...